Do we need a pause from all this headlong progress?

It is not just the election of Donald Trump that gives us pause for thought (and a variety of other emotions – see Facebook for most of them). There seem to be a host of other issues that have emerged recently which add to the need to stop and reflect.

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The weird and wonderful world of wearables

No-one seems to know about wearables. One minute we hear that the first wave of wearables is wearing thin, the next that they are the next big thing. Maybe the truth is that we are now beyond Wearables 1.0 and into the next phase.

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Bitcoin: a new “Safe Haven” for investors?

Over the years, many have pointed to valuable commodities as potential “safe havens” in times of economic struggle. Traditionally, gold is the dominant commodity in conversations about this topic,

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Economic benefits of the IoT – from Scotland

If proof were needed that the IoT will be ubiquitous and pervasive, then a sold out conference in Edinburgh on the subject does the job. It was a fascinating day, with a decent cross-section of speakers that would have more than done justice to a similar event in New York or Silicon Valley.

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