Five data-driven actions to impact climate change

Consumers are demanding action, with 86% in one survey saying they’ve decided not to purchase from companies that are doing too little to tackle climate change. What’s more, 28% think most brands they buy from aren’t doing enough to fight the climate emergency, and 54% of decision-makers, who undertake Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental, Social

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Internet of Things is about to hit shore? Not so fast.

How often have you come across articles with flashy headlines such as: “How to make your car, home, and life smarter with IoT?” It would appear that following the period of Big Data’s relentless hype, IoT has firmly shown up on the radar, indeed my all-time favorite is “Daisy goes disruptive with wearable tech for

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Smart cities and the Internet of Things – credit where it’s due

Imagine a city without traffic congestion, parking spaces are always available, public transport runs efficiently, the hospitals work, pollution is reduced and any other annoyance you face on a weekly basis is eradicated. This is the city of the future; a city driven by data.Everything is interconnected – not just with physical roads but networked

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