New relationships with things, Part 3 – Polyamorous retail and product monogamy: The future of our relationships

Products – and our relationships with them – are constantly changing. Marketers have long sought to encourage a sense of brand loyalty, but the future of product marketing will rely on the purchaser developing a connection directly with a product, led by conversations between person and item.

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Creating new relationships, Part 2: Through connected technologies, data and you

In the near future, technology – specifically, technologies wrapped up as the Internet of Things (IoT) – will allow companies to give products their own voices and stories. This will give the products a perceived sense of agency, encouraging consumers to develop relationships with the items.

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Creating new relationships with the Things we buy – Part 2: The desirability of connected products

In the near future, technology – specifically, technologies wrapped up as the Internet of Things (IoT) – will allow companies to give products their own voices and stories. This will give the products a perceived sense of agency, encouraging consumers to develop relationships with the items.

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Creating new relationships with the Things we buy – Part 1: Making a product desirable

Desirability of a product – really wanting or feeling like you need something – is primarily about personal preference. It can be based on a gut feeling, repetition of use over time, recommendation of a friend, or on brand name.

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