Sigfox deadline looms: Buyers weigh purchase or its lights out for French 0G operator

Having been placed under Commercial Court protection from its creditors for six months, the board of France-based Sigfox, the ultra narrowband (UNB) network operator, asked the Toulouse Court to shorten the period of administration to just three weeks. That protection period expires on Friday, February 25th 2022, and the ailing company’s Directors evidently believe a

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Why 0G is the network of the future for smart cities

According to a recent report, 71% of Internet of Things (IoT) adopters in the public sector reported cost savings, and 70% said IoT solutions had improved their visibility into organsational operations. From sanitation to safety, says Jeremy Prince, president of Sigfox USA, IoT applications allow for better insight into how and where municipal resources should

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