What is the future of connectivity? And how do we think like attackers?

IoT Now’s editorial director quizzes Manfred Kube, head of IoT Products at Thales Analytics & IoT Solutions, about how connectivity is evolving in the Internet of Things and how we can secure our IoT devices.

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Today is Internet Day – How are you celebrating?

Who knew? Today Saturday, October 29 is Internet Day. Well, Gemalto for one knew, and here two of their leading lights reflect on where we are now with the challenges facing the Internet of Things.

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Authentication, Authentication, Authentication!

With IDC predicting there will be 200 billion connected devices operating amongst us by 2020, the IoT is a digital revolution tipped to eclipse any of those that came before it.

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The security worries behind the wearable tech boom

There are few areas of technology, if any at all, that are growing faster than wearables. Countless enterprises and organisations across a diverse array of industries are taking advantage of these new types of technologies, exploiting the potential of 24/7 connectivity. But the wearable boom also brings with it a new set of security worries

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Do we have an ‘Internet of Stupid Things’ problem?

Recently I learnt about an INKTalks speech, says Manfred Kube, where the topic of discussion was the Internet of Stupid Things. It’s not currently online, however, it did manage to create some Twitter buzz from its attendees.

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